Donchenko Vladyslava
Dermatologist of the highest category, obstetrician-gynecologist, antiage medicine doctor, specialist in laser therapy. Founder and chief physician of the clinic "Correct Cosmetology".
Kharkiv National Medical University.
Length of medical service — 33 years.
Gynecology & Dermatovenerology.
Specialisation in Dermatovenerology at the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases of Kharkiv Medical Academy of Post-graduate Education.
Training in Aesthetic Medicine:
- АМWC 2019 Monaco.
- Training in Laser & health Academy Fotona, Slovenia, 2018.
- Training course in SMAS Technology, Lascos Company.
- Minimally invasive procedure for skin correction due to age-related changes in human skin at Kharkiv Medical Academy of Post-graduate Education (KhMAPO).
- EACCME - 8th 5-Continent Congress on Aesthetic and Laser Medicine, Barcelona, 2017.
- Fotona Laser Health Academy, Ljubljana, 2017.
- AMWC, Monaco, 2018.
- Training course on Mesotherapy in Aesthetic Medicine, Nika-med.
- Training course on facial injection and contour plastic surgery, Nika-med.
- Training course on Mesotherapy, Educational Center "Martinex" .
- Training course on application of chemical peelings in Aesthetic Medicine, at Educational Center "Martinex" .
- Gentlelase Laser System Training Course, Candela, USA.
- Training course on the use of Cutera Xeo laser platform - "Kosmotreid," Kyiv.
- Completion of basic training course on "Cell and Tissue Transplantation" at Institute for Problems of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine.
- Training course on "Business Initiative" at the Association for Support of Small Business and the Promotion of Job Creation.
- ALLERGAN Medical aesthetics Academy, Вerlin.
- Real Aesthetics Body Correction Training Course, Israel.
- AMWC Monacо, 2015.
- IMCAS, 2016.
Sphere of activity
Photorejuvenation by Lumecca
Non-surgical facial liposuction
Contour correction
Lips augmentation
Enzyme lipolysis (Triad)
Non-surgical rhinoplasty
Injection lip contouring
Laser Genesis laser rejuvenation
Laser resurfacing
Smoothing of mimic wrinkles
Introduction of exosomes
SMAS facelift
Introduction of PDRN polynucleotides
Microneedle RF lifting
Injection contouring
Polylactic acid injection
Rosacea laser treatment
Non-injection mesotherapy
Birthmark removal
Green TONING rejuvenation
Radiesse lifting
Face spider vein removal
Skin booster injections
Fotona acne laser treatment
Laser Genesis scar treatment
Scar laser resurfacing
Laser tattoo and permanent make-up removal
Acne laser treatment
LimeLight photorejuvenation
Pore shrinking and acne treatment
Removal of skin neoplasms
Laser mole removal
Removal of warts
Fractional laser body resurfacing
Scar treatment